
Alain Lord Mounir

Go Fas Racing Europe


French Canadian entrepreneur, industry pioneer, highly regarded marketing expert, and a man who has surpassed new heights of commercial and financial success, are just a few ways people have described Alain Lord Mounir. Over the last decade, Alain evolved from one of the most successful Wine & Spirits industry icons of his generation, to one of the most sought after branding experts, business and motivational speakers.

He is the Founder and Charmain of Vitamine C, a venture capital and equity firm based in 

Hong Kong. He currently serves as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Julia Wine Group. 

He's opinionated and ruthless, strives for big deals and also has a passion for all legal aspects 

in business; from branding to trademarking and copywriting.

Alain travels between his permanent home in the suburb of Montreal and his equity firm in 

Hong Kong. He loves crossbow hunting, fishing, downhill skiing and motorsports. And of course, 

he is a passionate wine collector.

Jonathan Ross Langlois

Go Fas Racing Europe


William Burns

Go Fas Racing Europe


Edward Perin

Go Fas Racing Europe

Car Chief 

Mathieu Petit

Go Fas Racing Europe

Head Mechanic